Thursday, March 13, 2008

London Calling

I am here in very cold, windy, and rainy city of London! After barfing my brains out the whole night before my flight, barely surviving the plane ride, seriously considering buying the next ticket home, and walking around in circles, blurry eyed from jet lag, I am finally starting to enjoy myself.
The plane ride was horrendous and I am not even exaggerating. 2 hours in to our 9 hour flight, I noticed that the man 2 rows behind me was extrememly drunk. In the remaining 7 hours of the flight he assulted 3 of the flight attendents, screamed at the top of his lungs 'HELP I NEED THE POLICE', sexually assulted a 2 year old girl, and was literally forced and strapped into his seat. For anyone that does not know already, I do not enjoy flying at all. This guy actually made me feel like i was going to be sick. Kids were crying and everyone looked stressed out to the max. I honestly cannot believe it happened. When we landed in Belfast (where we had a 1 hour layover) the police came on to the airplane and arrested him. He is said to have enough charges against him that he will be spending at least the next 3 months in jail. Thank god i still have a few weeks to regroup before i have to get back on a plane again.
Nicole and I are having a great time wondering around aimlessly and slowly figuring out where we are. So far we have figured out local transit (including the tube!), spent 4 hours in Harrods, bought matching dresses at Topshop, wandered through the British museum, seen countless outdoor markets, visited just about every touristy place you can see, taken unbelievable amounts of pictures, gotten insanely lost (we've made it back to our hotel without help everytime) and had real english tea (scone included!). We still have a lot on our to do list and we only have 2 days left here. Time is going by so fast already.
We seriously look forward to breakfast every morning. Fresh baked chocolate croissants, bran cereal, toast with lemon lime marmalade, and even beans on toast. We have been steeling extra croissants every day and taking them along with us on all of our adventures. We havn't had to eat anything disgusting and we do not intend to. Although Nicole bought a fatty thing of fries today that were pretty gross... whatever. Good thing we are walking non stop every day or we would definitely be coming home weighing a little more then we do now.
Anyway, I'm going to go now. I think we are going to visit the post office. We've been doing that a lot. We leave london on Sunday and take the eurostar to Paris! Hopefully I can get back on here and write again soon. Wish me luck on this crazy journey!!!
Really honestly there is no place like home.


CLOUDY said...

yellowbear 4 lyfe!

BrianK said...

Hey Jacque,
Glad you are having such a good time. It sounds amazing. Just enjoy it. The time will go so fast. We love you and miss you. I (MOM) especially miss our runs and your baking. Be safe. See you in 37 sleeps. xoxo Mom

Unknown said...

jacqueline i am soo happy reading all of this. i will be leaving for europe april 29th! but im sorry we never got together before you leave, but please, when i get home ( since im sure you wont be home yet when i leave) i NEED to see you. because imiss the hell out of you. love you so much.