Thursday, March 13, 2008

to: b,m,b,e,s,c,k

family, i miss you all. mom, stop crying. i think i can feel it and it makes me sad. i miss being around you. i'm taking care and being safe. dad, i miss your cooking. beans on toast doesn't cut it. don't forget to help me figure out my austria to london eurail situation. ben, i miss hearing you play guitar and i can't help but think that you would fit in really well here. emilie don't take my yellow shoes but i give you permission to take everything else i own. just put it back our i won't buy you a birthday gift. oh and will someone give the cats some extra love for me??
kly, why am i here without you!? if i missed you any harder i actually think i would stop breathing. I CAN'T WAIT TO FRICKEN SEE YOU!

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