Saturday, March 29, 2008

Boots of Italian Leather

Last night Andrea's birthday dinner was fantastic. We all got dressed up and did our hair and makeup (for the first time in weeks!). We had the works: appetizers, bubbly water (no meal can go without), champagne, pasta, and dessert. The pasta was the best I have ever had I think... or at least up in the top 5 or maybe even top 3. The staff brought us champaigne on the house, and the three of us toasted to just about anything we could think of- Andrea of course bcause it was her birthday, pasta, sun, ect. I think we all felt extremely ellegant and classy, which is a nice contrast because we have been slumming it quite a bit. The meal was the best I have had since I have left home and Dad you were right, the food here in general is SO good and very affordable!

On to today. I feel fat and my toes hurt (too much walking). My pants have majorly bagged out and it is making me mad and feel frumpy every time I wear them. I also realised that i hardly brought any nice dressy clothing so I've been borowing a bit from Nicole (as so avoid feeling so frumpy), who has brought enough clothing to clothe the three of us girls. ANYWAY, It is sunny and 18 degrees. The breakfast at our hotel was not disgusting. Although there were no fresh baked croissants or scrambled eggs, there was fresh fruit, granola, toast, ect. It makes a big difference when breakfast is included because we don't have to go scrounge around at the store and we can eat as much as we want for free! Today was a good day because we did a lot of shopping . I had no idea Florence would be like this. I found Emilie her birthday gift and even though it was kind of too expensive, i bought it anyways because i knew she would like it. I also found myself a pair of boots (FINALLY FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!) and they are divine. They are the carmely colour i have been wanting for ages and they look super good on me! We also booked a tour for tomorrow... i know that sounds lame but we all really wanted to go out into the country side and this turned out to be the best way to do it. Listen to the discription:
A Perfect Morning In Tuscany
See glorious views of Tuscany while hiking ancient paths through Tuscan olive groves and scented cypress woods and the 'must see' beatuiful hilltop town of Fiesole. We pass through fascinating ancient Roman and Etruscan ruins. We experience the sublime Tuscan setting where the makers of the most famous artworks in the world- the Mona Lisa and the David- worked and played. We see where Leonardo da Vinci tested his historic flying machine and the shaded hillside stone works where Michelangelo learnt his craft. We visit an exclusive private Renaissance Villa featured in two famous films: 'A Room With A View' and 'Tea with Mussolini' with lovely Italian gardens nd more superb views of Tuscany and distand Florence. We then enjoy a relaxed and informal wine tasting with a delicious gormet Tuscan lunch on the Villa's estate.
The people at the office were really nice and helpful... they helped us choose the tour we wanted to do because seriously all of them sounded so good. Hopefully the one we are doing tomorrow will be as remarkable as they said it would be and good as it sounds!
Dinner tonight is fresh bocaccini, bread and sun dried tomatos all from the market. Oh and of course a bottle of sparkling water. We have to be up early tomorrow (be at the tour place at 8:45am) and tonight is daylight savings so we will be loosing an hour of sleep. I will keep you all updated on my adventures.
Doing well and Enjoying the Sun,

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