Friday, March 14, 2008


Tomorrow is our last full day in London. For anyone who cares to watch, Nicole and I will be crossing Abbey Road at 3pm London time (which is 8am Vancouver time).



BrianK said...

Hi Jacqueline,

Mom and I are sitting at my computer watching you and Nicole crossing Abbey Road (a few times!). We saw you standing in front of the camera at 10 to 8 for a few minutes. Very cool. It's wonderful to see you although crossing the street is a bit of a boring show. Maybe you should try dancing.

Love you.


CLOUDY said...

I hit the snooze!!!! Although, yellow jacket by any chance?! I saw one of those at 20 or so after ;)

Lenore said...

Hi Jacquie
Sounds like you are having a great time......Andrea is wandering around Paris trying to stay awake.....or lost in the subway......or at the top of the eiffel tower......

Have a wonderful train trip and give her a hug from us

Love L

Jacqueline said...

Haha dad, dancing wasn't an option. we were just trying to cross the street without getting hit by fast moving vehicles

aunty lenore: can't wait to see anny! i'm sure she's doing fine right now aside from a bit of jet lag. we'll take care of her tomorrow!

Jacqueline said...

kyran good timing... that was my k-way jacket you saw crossing the road for the last time at approx. 3:20 london time