Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Heading down south

I didn't get to write last night because there was a lady on the computer for practically 2 hours and they shut off the computer at 11 so...........
Anyway, luckily yesterday was a fairly low key day. We were going to go see The David, which could have been cool I gues but the exhibit is closed on Mondays. I am starting to get very tired of visiting museums anyway. We sat in a cafe on a side road and drank sparkling water and wrote our lives away. We also managed to connect with Nicole's friend Hannah who is attending TWU but is taking a semester over here in Florence. She invited us over for tea in her appartment and it was really nice to see a framiliar face! Then we went out for dinner at the restraunt we went to for Andrea's birthday. The main courses are delicous and really affordable so we all got gnocci with pesto. And because the owner of the restraunt is actually in love with us, he brought us free appetizers. He also practically begged us not to leave when I asked for our bill, which was creepy kind of. But we are getting used to all the attention here. Italy has been by far the worst place we have been for that kind of thing. I do not understand what would possess a 45 year old man to even THINK about saying anything to a group of girls that could actually be his daughters. Anyway, in case this worries you (it shouldn't) we have been handeling things well. We don't giggle and we are actually good at acting extremely cold hearted.
Now we are getting ready to hop on the train and go to Rome for a day. My bag is packed to the brim with goodness knows what but it has gained an additional 10 lbs for sure since Nice. I don't know when I will find a computer again so this could be the last post for a while. To keep you all vaugely in the loop, we are planning on taking a train from Rome to a port called Barrie where we are catching the only ferry there is at 8pm. The ferry ride to Greese is 16 hours and we aren't 100% sure where we are going in Greece yet but we will have quite a long ride to figure it out. We are planning on spending a week and a while in Greece, lounging on the beaches reading and tanning (on a quite beach on one of the southern islands) and then we will take A to Austria and then I will come home. My how time flys.
Seriously though, I don't see any point in stressing about getting to Greese. Nicole can't sleep and I keep telling her it's the biggest waste of time. Hopefully she will just let it go. We will be there soon enough.
Talk to you all soon,


CLOUDY said...

SPF 5000 for Jacques!!!

Jacqueline said...

Hahaha no kidding!!!
although i heard that any spf over 30 doesnt work any better then spf 30 would... i will take care of myself i promise!